Conflict 2004
The War in Dafur, also known as the Land Cruiser War, was an extensive armed conflict which occurred in February 2003. The warfare arose due to rebel groups, Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), attacking the Sudanese government, who they accused of oppressing Darfur's non-Arab population. The government responded by instigating a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Darfur's non-Arabs.
The consequences of such actions were the several hundred thousand fatalities, due to combat, starvation and disease. Large groups within the population were displaced whereas millions experienced the inverse, in the form of coercive migrations, forcing them into either refugee camps or across the border.
Gift of the Givers Response:
Responding to civilian displacement on a massive scale, acute shortages of food and safe drinking water, a lack of shelter, deteriorating sanitation and the attendant spread of disease in the strife-torn Darfur region of Sudan, we provided 80 tons of relief aid aboard two aircraft, which flew into Nyala, West Darfur. From here, the supplies were transported in five smaller aircraft to the El-Geneina area, close to the Chad border, with a high concentration of internally-displaced refugees.
Our R5 million aid package comprised tents, rubber matting for tent floors, blankets, sufficient water purification tablets to purify some 10 million litres of water, medicines to treat the prevailing acute respiratory conditions, malaria and hepatitis, as well as 40 tons of bulk food, five tons of baby food, 4 000 units of a unique high-energy protein supplement (innovated by Gift of the Givers), plastic buckets and utensils and hygiene packs.