Water is a precious, though dwindling, resource and one especially affected by the undeniable effects of climate change globally. This is especially a problem in sub-Saharan Africa – inclusive of South Africa.
Part of our mitigation strategy for sustainable water provision is through the drilling of boreholes.
Site selection - when identifying points for new boreholes we first consider the needs of the community and the number of people to benefit from it within a reasonable radius. Preference is given to schools as they provide access control, security, and open communication regarding maintenance and repairs. The school then serves as a central point from which communities can collect water from.
A hydrological assessment is done to determine the likelihood of striking water within the preferred area, and if positive, the drilling process begins and ends with a handover to the community.
The general process involves:
Gift of the Givers prides itself in working alongside the communities to provide viable, feasible, and most reasonable solutions and, therefore, engages with them to ensure the best outcome. We expect the community to take collective responsibility for the security and maintenance of the borehole. Before any hydrological assessments begin, our team engages the community and helps them initiate the borehole committee, with members selected from the community. This committee is responsible for ensuring that the borehole is not vandalised. They also appoint a primary contact to liaise with our team, should there be a need for an expert to go out to perform repairs.