Nourishing Lives in Yemen


This is a country already so poverty-stricken having faced continuous civil war and has led to devastating consequences, including forcing many to flee their homes in search of safety and shelter. 

The shortage of and desperate need for food, amid the chaos of war, is life-threatening. The possibility of conducting subsistence farming is negligible as the desert land is not regarded as arable, whilst fodder and water for livestock is extremely scarce. Moreover, the people of Yemen are unable to remain in one place for long, given the need to be continually seeking safer areas.

Gift of the Givers has worked in Yemen since 2012 because the country relies so heavily on imports and, especially, humanitarian aid for survival.

Having witnessed the acute malnourishment among IDPs, Gift of the Givers responded with an initial delivery of 12 shipping containers of food. Our hunger alleviation activities have included the delivery of food parcels and the establishment of feeding centres in Taiz, Hajah, Sana'a and Aden. Recipients include patients with leprosy, physical and mental challenges, those undergoing kidney dialysis treatment and those suffering from blindness. Additional beneficiaries include refugees living in camps and remote villages, as well as those attending universities and schools. We currently ship 1 300 tons of food from South Africa, Brazil and India every year to Yemen.

The hunger alleviation response by Gift of the Givers includes famine relief, food parcels and the provision of feeding centres.


Hunger Alleviation in Yemen

Social Media

Hunger Alleviation in Yemen

Gift of the Givers Yemen️ 2025-02-11T14:15:31+0000

In collaboration with the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation and local authorities, our team in Aden, Yemen, has launched the “Encouraging Girls’ Education” project. As part of our food assistance programs, we have distributed 344 food baskets and 743 clothing items to schoolgirls, while also providing support for male students and teachers.This initiative aims to empower young girls to continue their education and to strengthen the overall learning environment by supporting both students and educators. By addressing basic needs, we hope to remove barriers to education and create a brighter future for the next generation.Join our efforts in Yemen: Donate online: Bank details: When making a donation, please use the country name as a reference.#GiftoftheGivers #MakeADifference #ForTheGreaterGood #SA #SouthAfrica #Yemen #HungerAlleviation #FoodSecurity #EducationInYemen #TeacherSupport #HumanitarianAid #FoodParcel #GirlsEducation #EducationForAll #EmpowerGirls

Gift of the Givers Yemen️ 2025-02-10T13:30:31+0000

في إطار مشروع مستشفى اليمن الافتراضي التابع لـمؤسسة وقف الواقفين، تسلط قناة بلقيس الفضائية الضوء على هذا المشروع باعتباره أول مستشفى افتراضي في اليمن، مواكبًا للتطور الرقمي العالمي.يهدف المشروع إلى توفير الاستشارات والمتابعات الطبية بأبسط الطرق وأسرعها، مما يسهم في الحفاظ على صحة المرضى من خلال ربطهم بالأخصائيين والاستشاريين داخل اليمن وخارجه. في المرحلة الأولى، سيتم تنفيذ المشروع في مديريات الساحل الغربي، مع خطط للتوسع ليشمل مختلف مناطق الجمهورية.للمزيد من التفاصيل، يمكنكم متابعة المقابلة التي أجرتها القناة مع مديرة المشروع عبر الرابط التالي: 🔗 مشاهدة المقابلةإقرأ المزيد عن مشاريعنا في اليمنتبرع عن طريق موقعنا الالكتروني:

Gift of the Givers Yemen️ 2025-02-10T08:30:23+0000

#MondayMotivationThat's the fuel that keeps humanitarians going. Never underestimate the impact of your generosity. Keep giving, keep hoping. 💚✨Join our efforts in Yemen: Donate online: Bank details: When making a donation, please use the country name as a reference.#GiftoftheGivers #MakeADifference #ForTheGreaterGood #SA #SouthAfrica #Yemen #GlobalSolidarity #HumanitarianAid

Gift of the Givers Yemen️ 2025-02-07T10:21:56+0000

Your sincere efforts to help others will enrich your own life in return.#Jummah_Mubarak 🤲Join our efforts in Yemen: Donate online: Bank details: making a donation, please use the country name as a reference.#GiftoftheGivers #MakeADifference #ForTheGreaterGood #SA #SouthAfrica #Yemen #ReliefAid

Gift of the Givers Yemen️ 2025-02-04T13:05:05+0000

Our team in Taiz Governorate, Yemen, has successfully launched the first phase of food parcel distribution to support the educational process in the coastal districts of the Western Region. This first distribution benefited 1,143 teachers, including 900 from Al-Makha district and 243 from Muzayri'a district. This initiative is part of our Hunger Alleviation Programme, which aims to improve the quality of education by supporting teachers and improving their livelihoods amidst the region's significant economic challenges. By addressing both educational and livelihood needs, this project aims to have a sustainable impact on the community and empower educators in their vital role in shaping Yemen's future.Join our efforts in Yemen: Donate online: Bank details: When making a donation, please use the country name as a reference.#GiftoftheGivers #MakeADifference #ForTheGreaterGood #SA #SouthAfrica #Yemen #HungerAlleviation #FoodSecurity #EducationInYemen #TeacherSupport #HumanitarianAid #FoodParcel

Gift of the Givers Yemen️ 2025-02-04T08:05:06+0000

بالتعاون مع الوحدة التنفيذية في مديرية المعافر، وبعد التوقيع على مذكرة التفاهم الخاصة بمشروع توزيع المأوى، قام فريقنا في تعز بإطلاق مشروع توزيع المأوى والمواد الإيوائية في مخيم "ذوخارة" بمديرية المعافر. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تم توزيع كلور لتنقية المياه ضمن مشروع الطرود الغذائية التابع لمؤسسة وقف الواقفين العالمية.يهدف المشروع إلى توفير المأوى للنازحين وضمان الحصول على مياه شرب نظيفة وصحية، مما يساهم في تحسين ظروفهم المعيشية.إقرأ المزيد عن مشاريعنا في اليمنتبرع عن طريق موقعنا الالكتروني:


Hunger Alleviation

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