
Conflict 2002

Gift of the Givers Response:

In spite of huge political and diplomatic pressure, coupled with delays, the result of relief supplies being grounded, and 10 weeks of intensive negotiation, we successfully delivered a R5 million humanitarian aid packages, aboard six trucks, to the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, Palestine.

We supplied state-of-the-art medical equipment for an operating theatre and an intensive care unit, a C-arm image intensifier used in orthopaedic surgical procedures and an ultrasound machine, as well as intravenous fluids, sutures and disposable gloves, antibiotics and analgesics for both adults and children.

We also provided some 100 000 water purification tablets for the purification of 2 million litres of water, five tons of bottled water, rice, cooking oil, sugar, cake flour, biscuits, salt, candles and soap.

All the medical items were successfully delivered to the Ministry of Health and the food items to the Ministry of Supplies. Distribution was undertaken immediately upon delivery.

In addition, we presented US$5 000 to representatives of The Church of the Holy Nativity to assist destitute Christian families.

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