Yemen is described as a water-scarce country and one at high risk of running completely dry.
Typically, local communities have access to minimal public services and for IDPs living in remote areas, the current state of affairs presents a much weightier problem.
Not only have wells run dry, the poor state of infrastructure and lack of development within the country means that access to this vital and life-sustaining resource is becoming increasingly limited, as ground-water dwindles and rainfall proves insufficient for the needs of people and livestock. The water scarcity reality is that people turn to unclean sources, which - in turn - leads to illness and in areas where medical services are unavailable - the case with IDPs - death is often unavoidable.
Gift of the Givers has responded to the need for potable water by using water tankers to deliver water. Areas unreachable by our tankers are serviced by the provision of multiple Point-of-Use products which purifies water on-site. Targeted beneficiaries include not only home-users, but medical and education facilities as well, thus ensuring they are able render much-needed services to the community.
Response by Gift of the Givers includes the provision of water tankers and the provision of water purification Point-of-Use products.
As part of our water provision program in Yemen, our team distributes water to various institutions in the city of Taiz. We provide 5,660 litres of water daily to the dialysis department of Al-Thawra Hospital, benefiting 280 patients. We provide 5,660 litres per week to the Psychiatric and Leprosy Hospital, benefiting around 127 patients, and 6,160 litres to the female students' hostel at Taiz University, benefiting 196 students.We also supply 16,980 litres per week to the Al-Rahma Medical Residence, one of our projects that cares for patients with kidney failure, benefiting 70 patients. Finally, we provide 7,100 litres of water per week to our Nutrition Centre, supporting their efforts to provide daily fresh meals to those in need.These efforts aim to ensure access to clean water for those in need within the health and education facilities in Taiz city.Join our efforts in Yemen: Donate online: Bank details: When making a donation, please use the country name as a reference.#GiftoftheGivers #MakeADifference #ForTheGreaterGood #SA #SouthAfrica #Yemen #ReliefAid #WaterProvision # #HealthcareSupport #StudentWelfare #KidneyPatientCare #NutritionSupport #WaterDistribution